Department of Transportation (DOT)

OFFICE: (509) 634-2540 FAX: (509) 634-2529

Image of DOT logo


Mission Statement To provide safe, efficient, and reliable transportation and public road access to and within the Colville Indian Reservation and local communities for tribal members, visitors, recreationalists, resource users, and others while contributing to community and economic development, self-determination, and tribal member employment.

Program Director | Richard Palmer Sr. (509) 634-2556 Email
Superintendent | Lonnie Simpson Sr. (509) 634-2538
Construction Inspector | Leah Cate (509) 634-2541
Construction Inspector I | (509) 634-2537
Business Service Supervisor | Brenda Whalawtisa (509) 634-2542
Administrative Assistant II | Vacant (509) 634-2540
Budget Technician | Monica Jack (509) 634-2589
Senior Transportation Planner | Deborah (Deb) LaCombe | (509) 634-2537

Introduction to Walking and Bicycling Survey - Nespelem Agency Area

Recently, CCT DOT conducted a public input survey about walkers' and bicyclists' preferences for designing a potential walking/bicycling route as an alternative for the Nespelem Agency area use of a high-speed rural route as an unofficial pedestrian route. CCT DOT Nespelem Walking and Bicycling Survey PDF

    • Nespelem Area agency has a large number of employees and an observably high number of recreational walkers throughout the day. 

    • Washington State fatalities of active transportation users have been rising at an alarming rate.  

    • From 2019-2023 there were 161 American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) traffic deaths in Washington State.

      • One in four fatally injured AI/AN people were active transportation users (2019-2023).

      • 53% of AI/AN fatalities occurred in a rural setting (2019-2023).

    • Active transportation users (walkers and rollers) are our most vulnerable transportation system users and they take risks which result in fatalities.

      • 122 of the 177 active transportation users' deaths (all races) in 2023 occurred on the road and not in a crosswalk.

      • 53% of the active transportation users were impaired, 18% were distracted, 12% were in the roadway improperly, 30% of the deaths were caused by improper crossing of the roadway, and 55% failed to yield the right-of-way (2023).

    • Drivers involved with active transportation users' fatalities also displayed risky behavior, but at a far lesser degree.

      • 7% of drivers involved with active transportation users' deaths were impaired, 14% of the drivers were distracted, and 6% were speeding (2023).

    • The severity of injuries among the active transportation users is tied to the speed of roadways when pedestrians and bicyclists share roadways with vehicles.

      • Of the 177 active transportation users' deaths, 157 occurred at speeds over 25 mph (2023).

      • 10% chance of death occurs at 23 mph compared to 50% at 42 mph, and 90% at 58 mph (NHTSA statistics).

    • AI/AN have the highest traffic fatality rate per 100,000 population, and not just marginally:

      • White - 9.80 

      • Hispanic - 10.27

      • Black - 11.88

      • American Indian/Alaska Native - 37.62

    The statistics above may be grossly under- or over-estimated for the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, and we will be able to bring our safety intelligence closer to reality through the data analysis we are doing at CCT DOT.

  • Washington State (Washington Traffic Safety Commission and Washington State Department of Transportation) tracks Washington traffic fatalities on most urban streets and some rural roadways.  Their databases are lacking data on roads other than state highways and county fatalities within the Reservation of the Colville Confederated Tribes.  CCT DOT is analyzing the previous 10 years' of State and County data (Okanogan and Ferry) to start coordination with Tribal Police about determining how best to infill our data into the State database appropriately

  • This is simply the first survey in Nespelem District, please look for upcoming surveys in the Keller, Inchelium, and Omak Districts this year.  CCT DOT plans to continue surveying each district with observably high recreational or commuting walkers or rollers.  These surveys will help CCT DOT and the Tribe prepare planning documents, prioritize roadway improvements, and seek funding to implement projects. 

  • Please do not hesitate to phone with questions (509-634-2540) or email with questions (

Now active through 4/17/2025.

CCT DOT would like to receive pathway comments on three surveys for specific areas: Town of Nespelem area, Town of Elmer City area, Town of Coulee Dam area, and US 97 area in Omak. Please follow the link to whichever survey interests you most.

To provide information on what you would like to see included in the Omak project, please select:


Or, for pathways along SR 155, please select one of these surveys.




The Colville Confederated Tribes: Department of Transportation (CCT: DOT)

Elder Snow Plow Application PDF

Department of Transportation (DOT) PDF


Image of road being fixed by Nanette Vaughn
  • To enhance the quality of life in Indian communities.

  • To facilitate the preservation and enhancement of Tribal and cultural/traditional values.

  • To optimize Bureau and Tribal human resources by ensuring Tribes are assisted in planning and maintaining an adequate network of Roads to support their Social and Economic Development through disseminating information on the Roads Program and funding; coordinating between Tribes, other agencies, and Area Office staff; and coordinating compliance with Tribal permitting program.

Light Blue Feather

The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation is one of the twenty-six federally recognized tribes in Washington State.