Colville Tribal Emergency Management
Emergency Management Coordinator: Brian Quill (509) 634-2134
What this page is for:
This page will be used as our primary way of communicating to the public about emergencies on the reservation. Our goal is to keep people informed, inclusion, and preparedness. Threats, Disasters, and Emergencies are part of life but we can lessen the effects with training.
What we do:
Emergency Management is here to provide support during disasters, Emergency Planning, Training, Hazard and Threat Mitigation, and Risk Assessments. We have many plans currently being updated and or revised that will allow us to apply for Federal grants to help us keep our people and lands safe. We also have an Interlocal Agreement to help other surrounding countries in times of emergency.
How you can help:
During disasters, it takes the whole community to eliminate the threat, and provide support for those who have been displaced and to recover. There are many outside agencies that we collaborate with and that provide support to us in times of need.