Public Works & facilities — Colville Tribes

Public Works & facilities

(509) 634-2806 | Fax Number (509) 634-2813

Public Works & Facilities is responsible for the repair and maintenance of all Tribal facilities and grounds, trailer courts, and the July Celebration Grounds. It issues building permits, provides both residential and commercial building inspection services, and enforces building codes for all new construction. Additionally, Public Works provides grave preparation services for deceased Tribal members and spouses.


Ron Toulou Jr. | Public Works Director | (509) 634-2809 | cell phone (509) 631-1198 | E-mail

Desiree Hertenstein | Business Services Supervisor | (509) 634-2827 | Email

Don Morris | Maintenance Program Manager | (509) 634-2815 | cell phone (509) 978-9135 | E-mail

Stanford Spencer | Water/Waste Water Program Manager | (509) 634-2139 | cell phone (509) 634-1797

Val Drywater | Building Official | (509) 634-2811 | cell phone (509) 631-0716 | Email

Water/ Waste Water operations

Program Services: We provide safe and potable drinking water to the residents of Malott HUD, Omak HUD which also includes Lone Pine and Eagle Nest, Agency Campus, Keller, and Twin Lakes HUD. These systems range in size from 5 to 139 service connections; We chlorinate and sample these systems in assistance and/or services to individual homeowner's water systems when time allows or Public Works needs our help. We also maintain the sewage treatment plant which treats sewage collected from the Town of Nespelem and the Colville Indian Agency. 

Staffing: Currently our staff consists of four employees, two which are State Certified Water Distribution Manager 1 level, and two are in training to become certifies WDM1.

Sanitation Facilities Construction Program

The program helps eligible Tribal members with their sanitation facilities for a new home site. Sanitation facilities may include a water well, water pressure system, and/or septic tank drain field system. Existing homes may be eligible for services if the home meets the Indian Health Service (IHS) criteria for "like-new" homes. The program also maintains a list of ineligible existing homes with water or sewer deficiencies that the tribe may use to request service through the IHS Sanitation Deficiency System.

Solid Waste Program

Program Services: We provide curbside residential and commercial garbage service, which is picked up every week reservation-wide, Inchelium, Keller, Nespelem, and Omak accept household garbage only from Tribal Members and permit-holding non-ribal members. Our program hauls all debris from the transfer stations to the Okanogan and Stevens County Landfills. We have a Solid Waste Enforcement Officer to investigate all illegal dumping sites reservation-wide.

All Reservation Transfer Stations are Open Wednesday - Sunday from 9 am - 5 pm
Solid Waste Enforcement Officer (509) 634-2807
(Household garbage only)

Land Use/Solid Waste Incident Report

Light Blue Feather