

Mission Statement: To ensure each tribal election is conducted in a credible and professional environment. Promote voter registration to allow each tribal member their right to vote

Goals and Objectives: Promote higher voter registration and participation. Build a trusting relationship with the membership and Colville Business Council. Streamline the Election process to provide an easier voting process with quicker voting results. 

Program Narrative: Prepare annual Voting Schedule of Events; Promote eligible tribal member voters to exercise their right to vote: generate ballots for the Primary and General Elections; coordinate election process with designated voting districts; verify and certify elections are conducted in a professional and honest manner.

Automatic Absentee Request PDF

Address Change Form PDF

Register to Vote in Washington State Link

Change of Voting District PDF

Diane Stensgar, CCT Elections Coordinator
W: (509) 634-2151 | Email
Frank Andrews III, CCT Elections Technician W: (509) 634-2121 | WC: (509) 634-1478 Fax: (509) 634-2152 | Email

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday:
7 am - 5:30 pm


The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation has 3 distinct languages.