Tribal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (TOSHA)


TOSHA Workplace Safety Concerns

*This form is intended to report concerns or incidents you feel need investigating or have TOSHA help to mitigate.

TOSHA Employee(s)

Amanda Chiles | Program Manager | Desk Phone (509) 634-2014 | Cell Phone (509) 634-9170 | Email | Fax (509) 634-2091

Joel DeWinkler | Safety Officer | Desk Phone (509) 634-2013

Morgan Smith | Safety Officer | Email | Desk Phone: (509) 634-2015 | Cell Phone: (509) 978-9955

TOSHA Safety Office is located at 19 Methow Street on Agency Campus in Nespelem Washington.

Tribal Safety means the preservation of Tribal Assets. People are our most important resource and their safety is one of our principal responsibilities. Safety must be an integral part of all operations, whether it be upper management, planning, development, manufacturing, administration, sales, or transportation.

The TOSHA Safety Office can also provide your program with consulting assistance to help you in the development of your safety program policies and procedures, as well as assist in risk assessment(s) of your workplace.

Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to safety in the workplace!


  1. Seek Medical attention immediately

  2. Notify your supervisor and TOSHA

  3. Your supervisor will be required to take you to Human Resources for a UA

  4. You will need to provide a Activity Prescription Form (APF) PDF to return to work

  5. Review job description and safety procedures

The Staff of the TOSHA Safety Office Mission: "Committed to the preservation of the Safety, Health, and Property of all People"

Our objective is to maintain our properties in a clean, healthy and safe condition. We shall consider, as a minimum, the requirements of law concerning these matters. All of our people are required to cooperate in this endeavor.

In order to accomplish our objectives, all of our programs and operations will:

  • (a)Each employer --

    (1)29 USC 654

    shall furnish to each of his/her employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his/her employees;

    (2) shall comply with occupational safety and health standards promulgated under this Act.

    (b) Each employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this Act (CTC Code 6-1).

  • Maintain safe and healthful working conditions, which meet the requirements of Tribal laws and applicable State and Federal laws.

  • Provide proper personal protective equipment and engineering controls when applicable.

  • Furnish proper mechanical safeguards and equipment.

  • Require that everyone observe established safety regulations and practices.

  • Provide adequate first aid equipment and training for employee(s).

  • Maintain a continuous educational program regarding the need for personal safety awareness, both on and off the job.

  • Establish good housekeeping principles, which instill an attitude of pride in our operations and reflect quality in our products and services.

  • Maintain an aggressive program of Safety in which all members of management will participate.

It is the responsibility of all employees, customers, and guests to maintain a continued awareness that safety is an integral part of the way we operate, and to conduct their activities in a safe manner to protect the well-being of themselves, others, and the property of the Tribe.


Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19

6-1 Industrial Safety PDF

Evacuation Plans and Procedures eTool Link

Communications Towers | OSHA Requirements Link

GHS - Global Harmonization System Labeling Requirements Link

Logging eTools - OSHA Requirements Link

Machine Guarding eTools Link

Molds Link

Personal Protective Equipment Standards Link

Powered Industrial Trucks - (Forklifts) Link

OSHA Recordkeeping Requirements Link

Respiratory Protection eTool Link

Scaffolding eTools Link

Trenching and Excavation Link

Workplace Violence Link
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards Link

Center for Disease Control and Prevention Link

National Fire Protection Association Link

NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) Link

U.S. Department of Transportation: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

(PHMSA) Link
OSHA Video's Link

Title 3-6 Fireworks PDF

Workers Comp PDF
Workers Comp Reimbursement Form PDF

Employee App for Compensation & Report of Injury or Occupational Disease PDF

Supervisor’s Accident Report of injury PDF
Reimbursement Form PDF

Activity Prescription Form (APF) PDF
